Generic Famvir (Famciclovir) Tablets

Generic Famvir (Famciclovir) Tablets

Active ingredient: Famciclovir
Product Code: PR990498
In Stock

Generic Famvir 250 mg

Per Unit
12 pills
$78.00 USD
$6.50 USD
$0.00 USD
24 pills
$128.00 USD
$5.33 USD
$28.00 USD

Generic Famvir 500 mg

Per Unit
12 pills
$78.00 USD
$6.50 USD
$0.00 USD
30 pills
$128.00 USD
$5.33 USD
$28.00 USD


Product information:
Generic Famvir is the name given to the drug Famciclovir. It is an antiviral drug and is an analog of guanosine. It is a modified form of penciclovir with greater benefits like increased bioavailability. The drug, famciclovir is mainly used to treat infection caused by herpes zoster. It inhibits the growth of virus thus preventing the spread of viral infection. Although it does not eliminate the virus from the body, but reduce the symptoms.

 The drug is available in oral tablet forms in 125 mg, 250 mg, and 500 mg tablets. The maximum dosage per day is divided in three times per day and duration is a week, however, both the dosage and duration is increased according to the severity and type of infection. Usually, it should be taken with the food to prevent indigestion.

 Generic Famvir is basically used to treat the infection of herpes zoster. The infections caused by herpes zoster include shingles mainly. Other types of infection like genital herpes, caused by herpes simplex virus 2 are also treated by famciclovir. It also helps to treat the cold sores caused by herpes labialis in patients who are immunocompetent. As a prophylaxis, Famvir can be used in patients who are prone to develop the infection of herpes simplex virus 2, especially in HIV patients. The drug should be taken for the prescribed duration and should not be skipped even if the symptoms are important.
The drug famciclovir is not taken if you are allergic to the drug.

Side effects:

Many side effects are caused by the drug of which some are:
•    Stomach pain
•    Nausea
•    Vomiting
•    Diarrhea
•    lethargy
•    Headache
•    Fever
•    Weakness
•    Problems with urination
•    Confusion
•    Swelling
•    Increased thirst
•    Weight gain
•    Shortness of breath
•    Loss of appetite
•    Dizziness
•    Itching
•    Skin rash
•    Irregular heartbeat
•    Numbness or tingling

If you are allergic to the drug or have any history of allergy to other drugs, you should tell your doctor. Also if you are having liver disorder or kidney disease tell your doctor about it. The drug is given cautiously to those who are immunocompromised so a detailed medical history is important. If you are pregnant or planning the pregnancy, tell your doctor as the virus can pass from mother to fetus during childbirth. Also, do not take famciclovir if you are breastfeeding your baby. In the patients with galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption, the drug is given with precautions.
When you are receiving the treatment, avoid touching your infected areas with hands to prevent the spread of infection. Also, such patients should avoid intercourse while being infected.
Also let your doctor know if you are taking other drugs like probenecid, or other antiviral drugs like acyclovir. Drug interaction may also occur with vitamins and other over the counter medication and supplements.